Simplifying ICD-10.

The transition to ICD-10 can be a challenge and Shields is here to help. We’ve developed support tools and educational resources to simplify the ordering process for MRI.

ICD-9 to ICD-10 code converter tool.
  • The converter tool to the right–> will translate your ICD-9 code to the most appropriate ICD-10 (and vice versa).
  • Click HERE to access the converter on an affiliate website.
Cheat sheets for commonly used MRI codes.

Print this list of commonly used ICD-9 codes and their corresponding ICD-10 codes for your ongoing use.

Frequently asked questions Educational Presentation.

Use this powerpoint presentation in your office meetings or circulate to staff to help educate your team on how to order an MRI with the new ICD-10 codes.

Additional resources.

There are a lot of resources and educational tips out there; here are some that we’ve found helpful.